D.C. Metro has recommended a new budget which is designed to attract new customers and improve services for current commuters without raising fares for the coming year.
The Northeast Maglev Company has announced a high-speed train station at Mount Vernon Square neighborhood where D.C. travelers can ride the super fast train which can travel at 311 mph.
Dockless bikes and scooter companies in D.C. will now be charged fee by the DC government as part of new rules and regulations to be implemented in the city.
National Parking Association (NPA) has named ParkDC program of DC Department of Transportation as the Innovative Organisation of the Year for making parking easier in Washington, D.C.
D.C. Transportation officials are making dedicated pick-up and drop-off zones for commercial vehicles in five popular areas of the city in order to streamline traffic and increase road safety.
Now commuters in D.C. can track taxis and limos in real-time as D.C. Department of For-Hire Vehicles (DFHV) has introduced “Where Are the Taxis” software platform called application program interface (API).