Saturday, March 1, 2025


Financial Exploitation of Elders More Than Doubled Last Year, DC Attorney General Says

Financial exploitation of elders have more than doubled over the last year in Washington DC, Attorney General Karl Racine says.

National Zoo Reopens; Panda Cub Makes His Debut With Visitors

The National Zoo reopened its doors on May 21, giving its guests the chance to see the the facility's panda cub for the first time.

Nationals Park Allows Fully Vaccinated Fans Go Maskless Beginning May 21

The Washington Nationals said fully vaccinated fans will be permitted to enter the Nationals Park without the requirement of wearing masks.

Nearly Half of DC Gas Stations Still Running Dry as Colonial Restores Service

Around 47 percent of gas stations in the District are still out of fuel due to the ongoing impacts of the Colonial ransomware attack.

Metro Issues Climate Bonds to Support Sustainable Transportation

Metro announced Wednesday that it is releasing Climate Bonds Certified green bonds to provide a sustainable, cost-effective transportation service to the DC area.

Police Search for Suspects in Killing of 65-Year-Old in Southeast DC

A 65-year-old woman was shot and killed in Southeast DC on Wednesday night; police released a photo of a vehicle of interest.

Howard University Partners With Amazon for Cloud Computing Education

Howard University is starting a partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to offer advanced cloud computing courses to its students.

MPD Identifies Person of Interest in Sharing of Hacked Police Data

DC police identified a person of interest in connection with the reposting of officers' personal data stolen by hackers on social media.