The National Park Service (NPS) announced Wednesday that it will be accepting the public’s input regarding the proposed transportation upgrades for the Fletcher’s Boathouse area (Fletcher’s Cove) in Washington, D.C.
The goal of the improvement project is “to provide more direct and safer transportation connections between Canal Road and the Fletcher’s Boathouse, the Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O) Canal towpath, and the Capital Crescent Trail,” according to the NPS.
The decision came in response to a number of issues affecting the Fletcher’s Boathouse area such as:
-The single-lane entrance ramp provides the only access between the area and Canal Road for entering and exiting traffic, which can result in unsafe traffic situations.
-Safe access from Canal Road’s eastbound/inbound traffic is nearly impossible due to the entrance ramp’s configuration immediately adjacent and parallel to Canal Road.
-The geometry and grade differential between the entrance ramp and Canal Road creates inadequate sight distances for entering and exiting traffic.
-A one-lane road culvert (tunnel) with low clearance and poor sight distance provides the only vehicle access to the larger, lower parking lot west of the C&O Canal.
-Large fire trucks, ambulances, and river rescue crews are severely challenged in gaining unfettered access to the area during an emergency.
-Large equipment and trucks have very limited access to the area to perform repair and maintenance to park facilities and the D.C. Water Odor Abatement Facility.
-Existing pedestrian access routes to the project area from outside the park are unsafe and cause pedestrian/vehicular conflicts.
-Some portions of the area are not fully compliant with accessibility standards.
You can leave your comments online at from November 6 through December 13.